Pavlina readmore-sleepless

Hello followers :) We are two Greek girls who are utterly obsessed with reading.Goodreads brought us closer so we thought that it would be a great idea to run a blog since we get along.We have almost the same taste in books and we enjoy a lot our crazy buddy reads.While we were messaging on GR we discovered that our tastes arent the same only when it comes to reading.

White Hot Kiss  - Jennifer L. Armentrout

 White Hot Kiss by Jennifer L. Armentrout
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Wow this book was really good! I loved everything about it, the plot was addicting and full of surprises!I loved the world Jennifer created. Jennifer creates a world filled with gargoyles who are called the "Wardens" and they are against the demons who have escaped Hell. It's unique the storyline, I haven't read something like this before!

Layla isn't so ordinary... because she is half gargoyle and half demon..


Layla has been living so many years with the Warden's. Her unique abilities help them track demons..She feel safe with them and especially with one of them Zayne, who was on her side from when she was child. Everything is going well for Layla..until one day she's attacked by a demon, and then everything changes..when another demon saved her... Roth who is an upper demon..and not only this he is gorgeous and cocky!!!
Layla tries to avoid Roth but appears to spend more time together . Layla starts to realise that maybe not everything she knows is true. Things are getting more dangerous as more Demons keep appearing trying to find Layla.
Can she trust Roth? Can she believe everything the Wardens tell her? Can she still trust Zayne?


Layla was an amazing heroine! She is sweet, strong and brave.The only reason I give this book 4 stars, is because sometimes she was a little childish and this bothered me..

Mmmmm Zayne or Roth?????


Both guys care a lot about Layla..But who will she choose???

While Zayne is sweet, Roth is dangerous hot and sexy. From the beginning, Layla has feelings for Zayne. But the thing is he is so protective and he is afraid to pursue a relationship with her, so he's almost like a brother figure for her . On the other hand Roth *sigh* is so different!He wants her from the beginning and doesn't deny it! He is protective and he will do anything for her!!The attraction between them is explosive!!

I'm so taken by this world! Once again, Jennifer manages to create a total convincing paranormal world! An amazing book with kickass characters!! This is a must read for everyone who loves paranormal! It will blow you away and leave you needing for more!!

Thank you


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Reblogged from New Books and More


Transformed by E.V. Fairfall
Publication date: January 1st 2014
Genres: Paranormal, Romance

Since the beginning, two entities have had complete, unquestioned control over Thea: the Earth and God.

But when Thea suddenly figures out that the Earth has  trapped her within a forest, she discovers that the only way to set herself free is to break God’s one rule; she must forsake her animal form and become human.

The result is nothing she could ever have expected. Lost within the torrent of human emotions, Thea starts to lose who she is and even begins to fall in love with the one thing she always hated: a hunter.

As her act against God proves more problematic than anticipated, it is only a matter of time before her punishment may prove to be worse than Earth’s entrapment.


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What makes Transformed a unique story?
Well, let me first ask you this: how often have you read a book in which God and Mother Earth are siblings? Or a book in which Earth itself is an entity of its own, and prevents God from doing anything he wants? How often have you read a book in which Mother Earth is able to take any form except for that of a human because it is forbidden? Though Transformed is a story about finding one's self, it also explores the foibles of being human and the value of all life. It is about making mistakes and finding a solution, even if that solution isn’t what was originally intended.

Where does the story take place?
Transformed takes place in a small mountain town in Colorado. This fictitious town resides next to a forest and is green and lush (Colorado can get very dry), and because of its high elevation, it has strange weather patterns.

How important are names to you in your books? Do you choose the names based on the way they sound or the meaning? Do you have any name choosing resources you recommend?
Names! Names are so important to me, mostly because I can’t actually write a character without first knowing their name. I can have the perfect scene in my head but until I find a name that I know fits the character, I just can’t write them in. I don’t pick names based on the sounds, but sometimes I pick a name because of its meaning. Mostly I just know when a name works for my character. As for resources, I tend to use lots of baby naming websites.

Who is your favorite character from Transformed and why?
Oh gosh, I’m going to say Cricket. I love Chamber of course, but Cricket is just so fun. Cricket is a girl who Thea turned into a squirrel because she needed to borrow her apartment while she was human. Even though Cricket is now a squirrel, she insists on taking special care of the clothes that she reluctantly let Thea borrow—more like take. Thea, who doesn’t understand why Cricket cares about the clothes, tends to leave them wherever she might drop them. Here is a quick excerpt from the book:
“'You have a squirrel in your sweater.' Brice cocked his head to the side. 'Actually, I think it’s stealing it.'
Thea looked over her shoulder to see the little squirrel dragging the sweater across the floor toward the closet. If Brice saw a squirrel put a sweater on a hanger, she would never hear the end of it. She shook her head toward the squirrel, causing the ball of fur to stop and glare before continuing to drag the sweater out of sight. If Thea didn’t start hanging up the squirrel’s clothes, she had a feeling the little rodent would attempt to kick her out."

Give us some insight into your main character. What does she do that is so special?
Thea is God's sister and has spent her life filling the role of Mother Earth, creating the plants and animals and serving as their guardian. Alongside her brother God, the two siblings used their light to create for hundreds of years. She doesn’t understand humans, and she likes them even less. It isn’t until she takes a human form that she begins to understand what she has been missing out on, and ultimately she gains a deeper understanding of her brother and what it means to be a part of a family.
Did you have a specific song or playlist that you listened to when you were writing Transformed?
I actually can’t listen to music when I write. I wish I could. Sometimes a song will inspire me or motivate me, but while writing I need quiet. Of course, that never really happens because I live in an apartment with paper thin walls—but that is part of the adventure.

What writing advice do you have for other aspiring authors?
Never give up, and go to writers conferences! I wish I had gone to a writers conference earlier. They open your mind to a side of book writing that you normally wouldn't consider. You can meet people who love what you love, and it is a great chance to break out of your shell and read some of your work out loud. Not only that but you will meet other writers who will help you through the hard times.

What can readers who enjoy your book do to help make it successful?
Reviews! Social media posts on Facebook, Tumblr, Goodreads and so on. Word of mouth is huge for any author. There are so many great books in the world that people haven't discovered, but they only need to be pointed in the right direction.

I love to write just as much as I love to read. I try to read a book per week, which doesn't always work out, but it's the thought that counts. Aside from all that I am a huge animal person.
Transformed is my first novel, but it isn't my first publication; I've had several short stories published over the last two years. My main goal as a writer is to explore humanity and to give people something fun to read.
Author links: 
Hero - Leighton Del Mia



Wow! Hero is unlike anything I have ever read,it was weird!This is an intense book!!It's difficult to tell you what the story is without giving it all away so I will try as much as I can to not spoil..

Cataline had a tough childhood. Her parents were killed in a fire when she was young and she was placed in foster care.She lives a quiet life and she secretly has a crush on her boss at the company she works at but she also daydreams about Hero...
New Rhone’s vigilante.


Cataline’s friend encourages her to step outside of her comfort zone and she wants to try..
Until one night everything changes when she kidnapped and all she thought she knew is shattered...
Cataline does not know who her kidnapper is, but she's determined to find out.
But can she handle who really is her captor?
Can she survive the lies and the secrets?


The two main characters are both very determined.
Calvin is sexy,protective and fierce but he's also something else.He is a tortured soul who doesn't believe he needs love and he thinks that he isn't worthy. In the beginning I didn't like him a lot, because he is dark and disturbed. But he is also good and cares a lot for Cataline and that is what make me change my mind. Cataline was determined! She wanted to learn what happened to her and she tried to find a way to escape.
I don't know what to say about the sex scenes...because some of them were really HOT but some of them...was crazy for me and very kinky!
This is a dark romance but it captivated me from the beginning! It was intense with hot and disturbing moments and also there is action!!!
If you like a dark romance with a HERO different from others, then this is what you need!

Crown of Midnight - Sarah J. Maas

 Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow OMG! This book was AMAZING!!! It was a little slow in the beginning, but still good and then after 47% OMG unbelievable! So many things happened!I was so entertained by this action ride!!I still can't calm down after what I just read!!!I wasn't expecting to have such an emotional reaction to this book!


I was so entranced by the fantasy world Sarah J Maas created!! Without a doubt Throne of Glass is one of my favorite reads! The plot became much more complex in Crown of Midnight...
Picking up from where Throne of Glass left us.. Celaena is now the King's Champion and is desperate to be freed of her past assassinations, she is practically the king's slave. She she has to kill all the people she is ordered to get her freedom back.

In this book there are secrets, enemies, lies, discoveries, trust, truth and romance! It has everything!!


Celaena was such a kickass heroine!!But, we also get to see the other side of her. She is gentle and very kind. She is a loyal person and she would do anything for the few people she cares about. But sometimes she was selfish and I didn't like it that. And the boys...OMG I really don't like love triangels...but this one was one of the best triangles I have ever read!
At the beginning I was a big fan of Dorian but after finished this book.. OMG I want Chaol for me

I was really surprised by the direction that the story has gone, very different from other fantasy books! The ending put me in agony for what will happen next! I can't wait for the next book!



Sweet Thing - Renée Carlino


Why????? This book was a 5 stars but ugh Mia ruined the whole book for me!!
The story begins with Mia who lost the only person who had the same interest for music with her.Her father.After that she went to take care his cafe business in New York and that's when she meet Will a musician who they eventually become roommates.I loved the beginning and how they developed an adorable and sweet friendship..But things getting more confused between them..because Will has feelings for her.
At 47% my problems begin with Mia -.-
OMG Mia really?????I can't stand her!She really pissed me!She is so stubborn!I really wanted to give her a smack!!Sometimes I felt she was selfish and irritating and I didn't like the way she treat Will!!UGH -.-


Unravel - Calia Read


Wow what a crazy ride!!It will blow your mind!From the first chapter, I was hooked!!It had me confused and guessing all the way through the end!There where moments I thought I had figured out what happened and then I was like no it can't be this!This book is really unique!!It will captivate you!!
At the beginning I didn't know exactly what to expect with this one.I had read the synopsis and the only thing I was thinking it was "Wow I need to read this book immediately!!"  
The story of Naomi is confusing in the beginning..
Naomi is in a psychiatric hospital and she tells her story with flashback.The story revolved around her best friend Lana and Lachlan and Max the two men who was inportant in Naomi life's.From the first moment until close to the end  I couldn't stop wondering
 what really happened??
Lana and Naomi where opposites but perfect for each other.Lana was shy and Naomi was loud.Naomi was protective and care about Lana.She was a good friend and she was there whenever Lana need her!
I feel awfull for Lana's condition :// poor girl!I was intrigued by both men..While Max was hot and charming,Lachlan with one word he was perfect!!!I fell in love with him from the beginning!!He really cares about Naomi and he was there for her!! 
This book takes you through so many emotions. ..Slowly the secrets and truths of what really happen..will unravel and the end will leave you speechless!!
It's my first book from Calia and I would like to say she did an amazing job!!!
I can't wait to read more from her!!
If you are looking for a mind trip  which will blow your mind this is what you need!!I highly recommend it!!

Love it!


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Reblogged from Susana "Lost in Fantasy Land"


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"Show me your shelf and I'll tell you who you are". We've prepared a special place for your Shelf Settings to make your book space better organized. Your virtual bookshelf has just received new page with set up options. We have big plans for shelf options (old and new) and this is the first step.


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Remember to save each change to make shelf updates. 




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Reblogged from BookLikes
Before You Break  - Christina  Lee


"Guilt and regret are powerful things.But they can destroy your life.
Somehow you have to learn to forgive yourself so you can move on."

OMG This book was so beautiful!!You will fall in love with this story!I loved it more than the first book!!It was powerful and left me breathless !

Ella is Avery’s best friend and she is tired of her boyfriend.They don’t communicate on the same level anymore!While she was visiting him in the fraternity house she will meet Quinn.Who is sexy and popular in women but he keeps himself away from them..There is something between them..But at the beginning they fought their feelings for each other..Ella and Quinn both have to deal with a lost from their past.. Ella has to deal with her brother's loss while Quinn is dealing with the loss of a friend...

Are they able to begin to move on and live in the present instead of the past??

I loved both characters!!Ella was sweet and smart.And Quinn mmm *sigh* 
He was swoony,sexy and really care about the others.The two of them were powerful together!I loved the way the author managed to make me to connect with both of them and feel the things and the lost they were feeling!

Ella and Quinn had something real together.I like watching how their relationship developed!Both had been through so much pain in their pasts both they felt guilt for things that were truly out of their control.. Their relationship developed slowly and felt realistic.They had intense chemistry!

"I'm not going to kiss you,Ella.Not tonight." 
"Kissing you would be too easy,..and you're not a girl I want to be easy with."

"You're so damn sexy, Ella" "You make me want to do naughty things to you."


Before You Break is an amazing book.It's emotional,sexy,sweet,fun, and simply beautiful!I'm so in love with this series!!I can't wait for the next book!! <3

Angels In Leather (Rebels On Bikes, #1) - Bella Jewel



This book was amazing from the beginning and I truly couldn't put it down!!Such a roller coaster of emotions!! It was different from your typical MC books!This book is dark. It has some ugly situations in it.It was going from one drama to the next one!!

Axel is a tortured soul and Meadow is fighting to survive the chase..


Angels in Leather is the story of Meadow.We read about her struggles to run and keep hidden the one thing her father made her promise to protect a USB and deliver it to one man and keep it away from Axel.Her old friend who always adored him..She doesn't understand what happened between her father and Axel and what lead Axel to kill her father..Now she has to run away.

The chase and banter between Axel and Meadow is wild and exciting!!Finally after a year of chasing her he catch's her. Once Medow and Axel finally find one another we start to learn piece by piece what has happened..

But Axel isn't her only worry.Beast is after her and believe me he is the worst!!He wants the same thing with Axel..but he doesn't care for if he get it he will kill her..

I really liked this story and the characters because it was so differnt!!

Axel is so tortured and broken!At the begining I wasn't sure if I like him but later when I understand why he is this way I loved him!!He is sexy,possessive biker!I like Medow too!!She is not so badass but she know how to stand up for herself!

The sex in this book was definitely a little different..but it was really so hot!!! :)) I wasn't sure if I must like it or not..because it's strange...but damn I really like it!!Wow!!


If you're looking for a hot dominant alpha male!!This is what you really need!!!An amazing book!!!Read it immediately!!

Misbehaving - Tiffany Reisz


This was a great quick read! It was sexy and funny, the characters were great, and the sex was so hot! Misbehaving is very different from the Original Sinners! We are used to the darker side of humor from the Original Sinners Series but in this there is pure fun!!


Ben and Beatriz met in college and they were attracted to each other.Because of some circumstances didn't happened between them.Ben refused Beatriz’s offer to have sex with her and he broke her heart... But he still regrets it.When Beatriz finds herself having to review a book on sex positions ...she ends up working on a week when she's on holiday at her sister's wedding.And Ben will help her..I loved Beatriz!!!She reminds me a lot Nora from the Original Sinners! She's got the same open mind sexiness! Also she's very loyal to her friends, and always willing to help them. Ben mmm he is gorgeous and sexy!!

I loved it, made me laugh out loud! And the sex was really hot! If you are looking for something funny and sexy this is what you need!!

**ARC courtesy of publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**

Happy Valentine's Day! My Kindle Freebie Starts Today!

Are you excited? I know I am! <3

Today, Endgame, Wishing Stars, Fearscape, Horrorscape, Cloak and Dagger, and Locked and Loaded will be free for download from the Kindle store. You can access their pages HERE.

Even if you don't have a Kindle, you can still participate in the freebie with this (free!) app.

If it doesn't say $0.00 as the price it might take some time to process depending on your time zone. I just checked and so far only Horrorscape and Cloak and Dagger have registered the change. :)

Also, my BookLikes giveaways end in two hours.

I'm handing out copies of TANTALIZED and TERRORSCAPE! (50 copies each!)

You can get Terrorscape HERE and Tantalized HERE.

I hope you all have a lovely Valentine's Day! Please spread the word; I'd love for as many people to take advantage of these freebies as possible! :)

Broken Dove  - Kristen Ashley


"A new beginning.
A new life.
A new me.
All of it mine.
All of it made by my hand
my decisions, my work."

Wow I'm so devoured by this book!!It was amazing!!!As with most of Kristen's books! I just couldn't put it down!!!Broken Dove is full of romance, mystery, drama and fights!!The plot was so interesting and the characters was so lovable!!


The book begins with Valentine a which who bringing Apollo to our world and taking him to Madie the twin of his dead wife. Apollo decides to bring her to his world, as Pol his twin in our world abuses her. His world is full of Hewcrows, elves and more.
Apollo and Madie start their adventure...
I really liked that their love was not the insta-love type, but grew slowly as they got to know each other...
This helps the relationship take roots and turns into something epic and so beautiful.

“I tell you now, my poppy, for years, I never thought I would be happy again.
Never again. . . . . So I never imagined I could be happier.”

I also like that Apollo's two children are a big part of the book and he is a great dad.Is there anything in the world sexier than a perfect father?A man who calls his daughter “precious girl” and battles his little boy in a game of wooden swords before he comes to bed?? *sigh*

OMG Apollo
Their chemistry was off the charts!The sex scenes so HOT HOT HOT.


You’re gonna get a spirited heroine and a badass alpha male hero who knows how to treat a woman in bed ;)))

A fantastic read!!I can't wait for the next book!!!