Finding Cinderella  - Colleen Hoover
Omg what a cute story!!!I loved the epilogue, it was the best epilogue I have ever read!!I cannot stop smiling!!I'm not a big fan of books with cute guys but this book was so amazing.I couldn't put it down!!Colleen managed to brought out so many emotions in less than 100 pages!!

Daniel and Six fall in love in less than 24 hours but this wasn't a problem for me, because it didn't seem rush at all. It was perfect and together they were adorable.The whole time I was laughing!!
I think I'm in love *sigh* Daniel is funny,adorable,sweet and cute!!He doesn't hesitate!He says whatever going through his mind!!And this is what I loved about him!!!I also liked his family and especially his father lol !!He was hilarious!!
I wish there was more to read!!! The story was funny,adorable and sweet!!