Pavlina readmore-sleepless

Hello followers :) We are two Greek girls who are utterly obsessed with reading.Goodreads brought us closer so we thought that it would be a great idea to run a blog since we get along.We have almost the same taste in books and we enjoy a lot our crazy buddy reads.While we were messaging on GR we discovered that our tastes arent the same only when it comes to reading.

Flat-Out Celeste - Jessica Park

Flat-Out Celeste (Flat-Out Love, #2)Flat-Out Celeste by Jessica Park
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


"Hey Celeste?"
"Hey Justin?"

Wow this was amazing!I can't even express how much I loved it!!It is one of these books that you will remember forever!Flat-Out Celeste was everything I hoped it would be and much more!!
Celeste is one of my favorite characters!!


Celeste is now 18 years old and she is a senior in high school.After years of being isolated,socially awkward, and feeling that she will never fit somewhere. Suddenly she meets Justin who is as weird as she is!!!At the beginning they start talking with emails!And these first lengthy series of emails from Justin was amazing :))) Omg these both were so cute <33333 Celeste and Justin compliment each other perfectly!!Their relationship was pure and innocent. 

“Why are you nervous?”
“Because I’m going to kiss you. And I better do a good job because I want you to like it.”
"I feel sure that I will.”
“How could you know that?”
“Because it is you.”

"I am staggered by you.I am intoxicated by you.
I think about you way more than I should."


Celeste is so cute,sweet and funny!I liked the way she talked!And Justin...I adored him!!He is exactly what Celeste need!!He's funny,weird and so swoony *sigh* He doesn't have tattoos and he isn't a bad boy but he is worthy to keep your interested from the beginning till the end!!!I also loved Matt and Julie!!So glad to see the progression of their lives!!Also lovable characters were Dallas and Zeke :))
I love the theme of this book!The writting was amazing like all Jessica's books!!I would like more of Celeste and Justin!!I hope the author to write a short novel for their future!!
You can read this book without reading the other but I think it's better to read them all!!
If you are looking for a book that it will make you cry,laugh,swoon this is what you need!!

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The Wild Side - R.K. Lilley

 The Wild Side by R.K. Lilley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


"She was young.
I was old.
She was wild.
I was tame."

OMG, this book was so hot! It's one of the hottest book I have ever read!


At the beginning I thought that this book was a standalone but then when it ended on a cliffhanger, I was sure that there will be another book! This one has an interesting premise : age difference, a lot of sex, a mysterious heroine and a man with low self esteem!!

Alasdair is a 40 year old writer and he is divorced. His self confidence is low and when he meets in the gym, the hot young girl, Iris he can't resist her. Iris seems to know exactly what he needs! She makes him, feel good but he can't understand what a girl her age (24 years old)...wants with an older man..


Alasdair isn't comfortable with the age difference and especially when they are in public. Also he isn't the romantic type and he cannot express himself...However he is starting to feel something for Iris..and he enjoys her company a lot!!

"I'm still too old for you."
"Your cock doesn't agree."

Their chemistry was electric! Iris was mysterious for me..I really wanted to know more about her and I would like if we have her POV in the next book! I think she has some secrets that must reveal in the next book! This is the first time that a female keeps my interesting more than the male but still I loved it!! I liked the writing in this book! If you are looking for a hot short book this is what you need!! I can't wait for next book!

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Weekend E-Book Haul

Sadie the Sadist: X-tremely Black Humor - Zané Sachs The Real Prom Queens of Westfield High - Laurie Boyle Crompton Ripper - Stefan Petrucha Killer Pizza - Greg Taylor Prom Dates from Hell - Rosemary Clement-Moore Going Bovine - Libba Bray Anna Dressed in Blood - Kendare Blake A Certain Slant of Light - Laura Whitcomb

In this list has few of the books I bought earlier this week but will do. I wanted something good, but at the same time, something a bit ridiculous as well. 



Alice in Zombieland (White Rabbit Chronicles, Book 1) - Gena Showalter

Alice in Zombieland (The White Rabbit Chronicles, #1)Alice in Zombieland by Gena Showalter
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


I think everybody knows Alice in Wonderland..but did you know that there is also another Alice?? With Zombies...Yes yes you heard me...there are zombies in this many of them!!!But these zombies weren't what I expected and the concept was different because the hunters had to fight leaving their bodies aside and using the spirit!!It was interesting and very unique!!


Alice moves in with her grandparents after her parent's and sister's death.She tries to accept her new life and fit in by meeting new people at her new school!One of them is Cole a member of a group, which causes many fights

Do they fight a lot or something else is happening???
But this isn't the only problem..Whenever Alice goes at school and sees Cole they have visions..Sometimes
they fight zombies and other times they are kissing..
They are drawn to each other..It is obvious that there is something between them..


I loved Alice and Cole!!They have a strong relationship!!Alice is amazing!!I loved her sarcasm and the fact that she was so brave!!Cole,Cole,Cole *sigh* he is dangerous,mysterious and so sexy!!

"This is becoming a very bad habbit," Cole growled, suddenly keeping pace beside me. His arm wrapped around my waist. "You run, I chase."

The only thing that disappointed me was that the whole story took part in the real world. I wanted more fantasy..
But still it was really good!!Can't wait to see what will happen in the next book!!

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Reasonable Doubt: Volume 2 (Reasonable Doubt, #2)


Wow I freaking loved it! It was captivating, I enjoyed this book so much! The series is getting better and better! And Andrew is more cocky and sexy The first book finished with a cliffhanger that left us with open mouths and wondering what would happen... Finally we have the second book and it was explosive!!


We have more revelations and finally we learn more about Andrew's past!
I don't know why but I'm with love with him! Even thought he is cocky and asshole sometimes but also he has another side, he is sweet too! I liked Aubrey a lot in this one because she stands up to him and she wasn't afraid to tell him what she thinks!!


I liked Andrew and Aubrey together, they are so passionate! There are a lot of sex scenes this book and believe me it's really hot! Epecially around 27%.
One of my favorite serials! I really liked how the story unfolded! If you are looking for a short hot book with twists that will keep you captivated then this is what you need! Can't wait for the next book!


Look what I find in my mailbox :))    Can't wait to read it !!!!!!!!





Tryst is Released!

TRYST by Cambria Hebert 
Sometimes all a girl needs is a little fling...

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Talie Ronson needs a vacation. 
From life. 
Since she caught her cheating, loser husband in bed with his assistant, her life has been on a steady spiral—right into hell. Her car’s a junker, her job sucks, and her perfect, gorgeous sister likes to brag about her wonderful life every time they “do” lunch. 
In an effort to salvage what’s left of her life and her sanity, she takes the advice of her kooky best friend and takes off to Topsail Island. A week at the beach, alone, is exactly what she needs to recharge, regroup, and relax. 
Only, her alone time is about to get derailed. 
Gavin Palmer’s favorite activity is walking around in his boxers and eating junk food. He and his neighbors have an understanding. They stay out of his business and he stays out of theirs. He lives at the beach, not for vacation, but for isolation. He’s had enough of people to last him a lifetime. 
Gavin’s isolation is interrupted when his normally quiet neighbor starts disturbing his peace. He stomps across the sand to give the guy a piece of his mind… only it isn’t a guy. 
It’s Talie. 
She’d maddening, nosy, and talks too much. 
But she’s hot and her bedroom eyes have him thinking maybe he’s had enough solitude. Maybe a week of company is exactly what he needs. 
Maybe what they both need is a no-strings-attached tryst.

Reblogged from Author Cambria Hebert
Uninvited - Sophie Jordan

Uninvited (Uninvited, #1)Uninvited by Sophie Jordan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars



Lately I'm in mood for YA :))Wow it was amazing!!!The kill Gene was an interesting concept to me and unique!From the beginning till the end the plot keep me captivate!Uninvited blends together romance, action and science fiction!With fantastic characters and an ending that keeps your interesting for the next book!!

Davy Hamilton has the perfect life....
She has her friends, a boyfriend that loves her and she has many talents..She only has a few months left of her senior year and once she graduates she will be attending Julliard.Her whole future has been planned...

Until the day she will learn that she has HTS...
And what exactly is this???

The killing gene (HTS)

Goverment has discovered a test to find which people have it and if you have it, it means that at some point in your life you are going to kill another human...


After Davy is diagnosed with the gene everything falls apart...She loose her friends and her boyfriend.
Once Davy starts her new life as a carrier she will meet new friends but nothing will be easy for her...
One of them is Sean..and they immediately become close...
Can Davy trust someone that is bound to be a killer?


At the beginning Sean trying to push her away.. but at the same time he is all around her and help her..I loved both characters!Davy is shy,sweet but also she was a fighter!!I don't know what I have done if I were in her place..Sean
I hope in the next book we get more about the secondary characters because they were really interesting!If you are a fan of dystopian books I'm sure you will love it!!I will be waiting for the next book!!

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Sweet Filthy Boy  - Christina Lauren

Sweet Filthy Boy (Wild Seasons, #1)Sweet Filthy Boy by Christina Lauren
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


I loved it! Sweet Filthy boy was funny, sexy and cute! I think the title for the book, totally fit with the male characters personality. Ansel was amazing, he captivated me and I'm sure he will steal your hearts when you finally meet him to! What I loved more in this book like in Beautiful Players is that her characters are so real, they are not perfect they have their problems like us in our every day life!!

The story begins with Mia who is in Las Vegas with her friends for vacation after graduating college and before moving to Boston. In Vegas Mia meets Ansel a Frenchman who instantly catches her eyes. There is an immediatelconnection between them, and something extreme happens that will change their lives...


Mia must decide if she will go to France with Ansel for the summer.. Must she follow her head or her heart?


She goes with her heart and she decides to visit France,
and they start a relationship based on sex..
But is the sex enough to make their relationship last?


I think I must go to France *sigh* Ansel was amazing! He was funny, sweet, charming, filthy and impulsive! I loved him! I'm going to buy the audiobook too, I want to listen him speaking French Mia was shy and she has to deal with a lot of things... Ansel was there for her and helped her to deal with some of them! But sometimes she pissed me off and I want to slap her! The plot was interesting with funny moments! The were a lot of sex scenes and they were so hot!!
If you are a fan of the Beautiful Bastard series I'm sure you will love it
If you are looking for a SWEET FILTHY BOY this is what you need!

*ARC kindly provided by Galley Books via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

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Breakable - Tammara Webber

Breakable (Contours of the Heart, #2)Breakable by Tammara Webber
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

2,5-3-3,5 STARS

I was so excited to read Breakable!!Lucas is one of my favorite book boyfriends!But unfortunately I'm so disappointed!!After reading this book I decide that I will not read again the same book with different POV...this is happening a lot lately and I can't understand why the authors do it!!I wanted to know about Lucas life but this could have happened in the first book with dual POV!!


In this book times goes from "before" with Lucas POV as Landon , before the day that changed his life and "after" with Lucas POV from the book Easy.
I enjoyed only half of this book that retells the story of Easy. I really liked being in Lucas head and see what he was thinking and I really liked the beginning but around the middle it was boring!


I don't know which was exactly my problem...maybe I didn't feel so much connected with Lucas previous life...yes he has a difficult past fighting alcohol and drugs but I didn't care to know if he has other girl and what he does with her.The good about this book is that we learn more about Lucas and how he was thinking while he was with Jackleen in Easy!

Unfortunately this wasn't exactly what I expecting to read...maybe because Easy was so perfect and I was expecting more!! However I still love Lucas...he always will be one of my favorite book boyfriends!!!




Don't Look Back - Jennifer L. Armentrout



"Don't look back.
You won't like 
what you find."


Wow it was amazing!!I really enjoyed it!It hooked me from the first page until the end!!I loved the mystery and suspense!!I couldn't guess who was the killer and honestly when I learn, it was a shock for me!!It's really a great change of pace for the author and I hope that she will write more books like this!!And the fact that the romance was secondary didn't bother me at all!!This is a YA be prepared... :))


 Two teenage girls went missing for four days...until Samantha was found wandering in the streets..Everyone wants to know what happen but Samantha has no recollection of what's happened.And now she is in a life that she doesn't remember and she tries to pick up the pieces and find what really happened...


"...I stared at a stranger in the bathroom mirror.

I'd never seen her face before.

But it was mine."




I don't want to say anymore about the story for fear of spoiling it..because it was amazing and I think everybody must read it!!


I loved the characters, especially Samantha who was a really interesting character!!She tried to change her life..because the way she was before it wasn't good...While she was friend with Cassie the other girl who missing she was rude and many people at school didn't like her.And this is what I liked about her..that she wanted to be a better person!

I also loved her brother and Carson!Carson is so cute and sweet!He cares for Samantha and he was there for her..I honestly can't understand why she hasn't fell in love with him before!!I didn't like her boyfriend and her friends from the beginning!Also Cassie reminds me a lot Alison from the tv series "Pretty little liars".




  I loved that it kept me guessing until the end!!!I really enjoy the final outcome!!If you are looking for a mysterious,psychological thriller with captivating characters, this is what you need!!


Alpha - Jasinda Wilder

I was intrigued from the blurb and I couldn't wait to read it!!And this book was so hot!!Honestly it's one of the hotest book I have ever read..and the story was really interesting!!I liked both characters and especially Roth...he is so ALPHA!!!!And so delicious!!!You must meet him :))

When I started this book I really didn't know what to expect!The beginning intrigued me and I wanted to know more and more...


The story begins with Kyrie who lost her job and now she is desperate because she is 
without job and she can't take care of her family...She is responsible for her ill mother,her brother and also she tries to make it through college.Until one day...she received a check for $10,000 and the mail only says "You"..and this continue to happen and every time there is a new word to add..

"To me"

Who is this mysterious man who sent her money???
And what he wants from her????


Kyrie decide to live with his money..until one day it's time to finally meet the man who care for her so long.When they finally meet..she is blindfold...and omg I was feeling the I was blindfold...and I didn't know how was this man...if he was old or young..if he was handsome or ungly..What a mystery!!!I must say that it was really hot to be blindfold,without know what to expect!! 

The sex scenes were extremely hot!!I really enjoyed this book!!If you are looking for a deliciously erotic book..this is what you need!!

Monster in His Eyes - J.M. Darhower


I absolutely loved this book!!I couldn't put it down!!!It was dark,hot,captivating,mysterious and intense!It was a story about passion and control..This book made me feel like I'm a part of the story!  
The story is about a young student college, Karissa who finally has the opportunity to live an independent  life  away from her mother ..But soon Karissa's life will change when she meets a mysterious man named Naz who is twise her age..

Their connection is beyond her control..and soon they will be together..but Naz warned her tha he isn't a good man... 

But what can you do when you fell in love with a Monster??
Is he really a Monster or he is something more??


Lately I have read some really good books with difference in ages and this is one of them!I loved the story of this one.And I didn't have problem with the ages.
 Naz was a very interesting character!He intrigued me from the beginning!He was  handsome,compelling,mysterious and dark.He was a man who wants attention and believe me you can't resist him!!!
The sex scenes were so hot and passionate!!!
"He fucks me like he means it,
like he needs it,like being inside
of me is more important than
anything inside of him, and
every cell in my body calls out
to him,craving more of it."


And the ending...I didn't see that coming!!If you love books with mystery,suspense and passionate this is what you need!!
Jane's Melody - Ryan Winfield


"Life seems to have another plan for Jane
 when she lost her daughter, Melody."
I loved this book, it was so realistic!I don't know why I haven't read this sooner!I cried,I laughed and I fell in love with the characters..Such an amazing book!!
This is about love,friendship,loss and finding yourself..

Jane after her daughter loss from drugs..She tries to learn the life her daughter had and she is searching for answers..Then she met Caleb,a younger man who is musician and live in the streets..Jane thought he knows her daughter...Soon they develop a friendly relationship but the  attraction between them are so obvious..Despite the age difference, their relationship goes in something more..there is connection between them..


"I'm saying ever since I saw you I've been attracted to you,Jane.I think about you all the time.........."I can't get you out of my head,and I don't even want to."


I liked the way their relationship developed and the banter between them was so delightful!
I loved both characters!!Jane is such a likeable and strong character!!She tries to stand in her feet after her daughter's death and her relationship with her mother and brother.
Caleb...OMG he is irresistable!!I fell in love with him from the begining!!He really cares for Jane and he wants to she her happy!!
This is my first book from Ryan and I'm so impressed!I definitely will read more books from him!!I loved his writing it was so realistic!!He really had me with his story!!!
I feel so lucky that I read it now because I don't have to wait a lot for the next book!!
I need more Caleb *sigh*
If you are looking for a romantic,heartbreaking, love story this is what you need!!!Read it and you will not regret it!!!